Atlantis Rising Magazine - 113 September/October 2015【電子書籍】

<p>Inside this full-color digital edition:</p> <p>ALTERNATIVE NEWS</p> <p>Life and Death in a Nuclear Powered World<br /> By Jerry Decker</p> <p>Checking the Newest Claim for Oldest Stone Tools<br /> By Michael Cremo</p> <p>Fighting to Forget<br /> Is Terrorism a Symptom of Planetary Amnesia?<br /> By MARTIN RUGGLES</p> <p>The Surveillance State<br /> How much of your Freedom is at Stake<br /> By MARIE D. JONES & LARRY FLAXMAN</p> <p>The Otherworld in the Andes<br /> A Global Tradition of Secret Initiatory Rites and Peru's Iconic Sacred Sites<br /> By FREDDY SILVA</p> <p>Gothic Wonders<br /> The Magic of the Cathedrals Amazes Still<br /> By KAREN RALLS, Ph,D.</p> <p>Fairie Factors vs Materialism<br /> Fact or Fantasy: What's the Truth?<br /> By PATRICK MARSOLEK</p> <p>The Foundations of Reality<br /> What Do We Know For Sure?<br /> By WILLIAM B. STOECKER</p> <p>Hominids & Humbug<br /> Trouble in the House of Darwin?<br /> By SUSAN B. MARTINEZ, PH.D.</p> <p>HOW DID THE ICE AGE END?<br /> With a Bang, Not a Whimper, Believes Maverick Researcher Randall Carlson<br /> By CYNTHIA LOGAN</p> <p>Ice-Age-EndS cenarios<br /> A Much -- Cited Geologist Weighs In on the Evidence<br /> By ROBERT M. SCHOCH, Ph.D.</p> <p>Columbus and the Brothers Pinzon<br /> The Untold Story of America's Other Discoverers<br /> By STEVEN SORA</p> <p>Jupiter in Virgo<br /> Lightning Bolts and Staves of Wheat<br /> By Julie Loar</p> <p>DVD<br /> LIFE BEYOND THE GRAVE?<br /> How Much Does This Life Depend on Influences from Those No Longer Here?<br /> By Marsha Oaks</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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